A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform
Kinda wanna....
M.I.A - Boyz
Black Star - Beautiful
Song of the day 9/18/09
The Rose That Grew From Concrete

"Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete?
Proving nature's law is wrong it learned to walk with out having feet.
Funny it seems, but by keeping it's dreams, it learned to breathe fresh air.
Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else ever cared." -Tupac
Cleopatra Comin' atcha!!! loll

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Fall into a Trance!

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In A Tribe Called Quest mood...

Words can not explain how much I adore this group...they are the meaning of true hip hop and it truly saddens me that music isn't the same now a days...Fucking soulja boy...Yea im blaming it on him!!! lol...I was in the mood to watch all of their videos...So yup I'm going to post them all ;D press play and enjoy the wonderfull-ness.(Sorry for the video over-load guys but this must be done!!! lol)
Welcome to the Penthouse Chronicles!!
Penthouse Chronicles is a video series done by Mizz Urkle and this post features her friend and co-host, Sammy. They address real shit that we all see or live on a daily basis.
I first saw this post and it screamed out to me. I have had NUMEROUS conversations about these topics so THANK YA THANK YA THANK YA, ladies! :)
Show these ladies some love...watch and subscribe to their videos.
PS...can someone tell Mizz Urkle that she and I were born to be friends? I hear she loves Trey Songz like I do anddddd that both of us have an aura of pure fucking AWESOME! Thanks!
NY Cares Day: October 17th
Join, donate, support!
To become a member, the fee is just $20.
Go NOW NOW NOW! Thankerz!

Another Batch of Movie Trailers...
I'm not up for all the biblical rah-rah jazz but the whole "Good vs Evil" bit makes for entertaining movies.
Fuck YOU (if you judge me)...but I love vampires.
This is just a teaser but when has Leo done us wrong?
A nice little "fuck you and your judgments" again...but, this cartoon was GREAT!
Be careful who you give the pussygaloreee up to, ladies!!! YIKES!
For my fans of history and/or the theory of evolution:
Jimmy Page, The Edge, and Jack White, anyone?!
Gotta end it off with an animated film! Voices of Steve Carell, Will Arnett, RUSSELL BRAND, and even Julie Andrews!
If you haven't seen the first one...get to it! So, we can have a field trip to see this one!
Ryan Leslie*You're Not My Girl
I enjoy RLes as an artist...here's his latest video:
Throwback movie of the day
Song of the day 9/09/09

A singer mostly known for his work in the 60's. He still performs till this day, and he was rumored to have introduced The Beatles to marijuana. But that's a whole other story.... Let's bring it back up to the 90's- a decaded we all remember. Here is it, enojoy!
Proper Etiquette
Picture of the day
Who is Che Guevara?

Well easedaman brought my attention with this statement via twitter "@EaseDaMan: Why this group of guyanese people selling Che Guererra tees with him with shutter shades on? Wtfruck! Lol"...But I've always wondered who this guy was I seen posters of him..T-shirts...hats with his face on it Etc..So I Finally looked him up and this is what popped up!
When boredom hits...YOU POST!

^^Happy Birthday Shivs!!^^

Random myths...
-In Sweden, folks believe that if a ladybug lands on a young maiden's hand, she will soon be getting married.
-If you find a ladybug in your house, count the number of spots and that is how many dollars you will soon receive.
-In England, finding a ladybug means that you will have a good harvest.
-In France, if you are sick and a ladybug lands on you, when it flies away, it will take the sickness with it.
-If a ladybug has more than seven spots, then there will be a famine. If it has less than seven, then there will be a good harvest.
-At one time, doctors would mash up ladybugs and put them in a cavity to cure a toothache.
-Some people believe that the number of spots on a ladybug indicates how many children you will have.
-If you find a ladybug in your house in the winter you will have good luck.
Quote on!
Midnight In Monaco

Brooklyn,NY (July 23, 2009) Anatomy of Sole and FemmeRoyale.com have teamed up together to present "Midnight in Monaco." This unprecedented fashion show surely an event to remember will be held at 7:00pm, September 24th, 2009 at the MTV Building, 1515 Broadway (The 1 Astor Plaza), between 44th and 45th Streets."Midnight in Monaco" will showcase the talent of 10 amazing indie designers, celebrating their love of fashion, art, and unique yet creative design aesthetic.,it will also serve as an upscale networking and party enviorment.
In addition to being a unique opportunity for talented young designers to showcase their work, the event is designed to create awareness and raise some money for the S.L.E Lupus Foundation of New York City. Despite its prevalence Lupus remains one of the most misunderstood diseases in both medical and lay communities. In the past 20 years over 1.5 million cases of Lupus have been diagnosed.
Anatomy of Sole and FemmeRoyale.com combined are a group of enthusiasts who are committed to excelling and expanding on all levels and educating others in every area from the arts, entertainment with in our communities and beyond.
Major Lazer - Hold the line ft. Mr. Lexx and Santigold
Now who the fuck invented the condom??????

The first published use of the world 'condum' was in a 1706 poem.6 It has also been suggested that Condom was a doctor in the time of Charles II. It is believed that he invented the device to help the king to prevent the birth of more illegitimate children.7
Even the most famous lover of all, Casanova, was using the condom as a birth control as well as against infection.8
Condoms made out of animal intestines began to be available. However, they were quite expensive and the unfortunate result was that they were often reused. This type of condom was described at the time as "an armour against pleasure, and a cobweb against infection".
In the second half of the 1700's, a trade in handmade condoms thrived in London and some shops where producing handbills and advertisements of condoms.

The use of condoms was affected by technological, economic and social development in Europe and the US in the 1800s.
Condom manufacturing was revolutionised by the discovery of rubber vulcanisation by Goodyear (founder of the tyre company) and Hancock. This meant that is was possible to mass produce rubber goods including condoms quickly and cheaply. Vulcanisation is a process, which turns the rubber into a strong elastic material.10
In 1861,the first advertisement for condoms was published in an American newspaper when The New York Times printed an ad. for 'Dr. Power's French Preventatives.'
In 1873, the Comstock Law was passed. Named after Anthony Comstock, the Comstock Law made illegal the advertising of any sort of birth control, and it also allowed the postal service to confiscate condoms sold through the mail.

Until the 1920s, most condoms were manufactured by hand-dipping from rubber cement. These kinds of condoms aged quickly and the quality was doubtful.
In 1919, Frederick Killian initiated hand-dipping from natural rubber latex in Ohio. The latex condoms had the advantage of ageing less quickly and being thinner and odourless. These new type of condoms enjoyed a great expansion of sales. By the mid-1930s, the fifteen largest makers in the U.S. were producing 1.5 million condoms a day.11
In 1957, the very first lubricated condom was launched in the UK by Durex.
From the early 1960s, the use of condoms as a contraceptive device declined as the pill, the coil and sterilisation became more popular.
The use of the condom increased strikingly in many countries following the recognition of HIV and AIDS in the 1980's. Condoms also became available in pubs, bars, grocery stores and supermarkets.
The female condom has been available in Europe since 1992 and it was approved in 1993 by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Find out more information about female condoms.
In 1994, the world's first polyurethane condom for men was launched in the US.
The 1990s also saw the introduction of coloured and flavoured condoms.
Trigga Songz Mmmz...
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