A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform
Song of the day...
Song of the day...
Stupid Biatchhhhh..
Song of the day...
Jamie Foxx Ft T-pain - Blame it
Song of the day...
Love You, bbyckz!
So, I'm gonna confess something to you. To ALL of you! And, we'll work from there.
I'm in LOVE! I LOVE someone!
That felt good. But, I don't know what is supposed to be said after that. Good thing for music.
Adele * Make You Feel My Love
She reminds me of myself in this video. Up @ 4:05am, bbyckz on her mind, telling herself everything she wants HIM to know. Her hair is uncombed, her outfit is WHATEVER, and, I'm dying for some bangs but I don't have the guts!
Song of the day...
Song Of The Day....
Kid Cudi * "Day N Nite"
Har Har Har
Joaquin Phoenix weird interview W/ David letterman
Thoughts like Questions
could my mind be so twisted
that physically i look at myself as ugly in the eyes of another
that my heart is tender and soft that people sleep on it
or mentally that i am paranoid more so in the mixture of emotional signals
when will female's realize the worth of a damn good man?
or could a man see when a damn good woman is something worth giving the universe too?
see i'm in a battle between protecting myself and giving myself
being hurt is an ever lasting problem
for i can deal with the physical, i am no punk
but internal pose's more than a terrorist threat
like a rose must stem thorns
how can i stem mine's and remain myself?
when does generosity stops being overlooked and start being looked at?
when does the realization of being a giving person and not a selfish person matter more?
who will understand the metaphoric standpoint of life
could you tell me your boundaries before love?
during love?
and after the love as gone
and all there is left but pain and regret
or remorse and bitterness
or the insecurity
do you believe in compromising for the better?
or do you have a no bullshit at all times logic?
is there understanding placed in your heart and mind
i'm not looking to make a point
just venting some question's plaguing my mind
not looking for answer's but opening the possibilities that i'm not the only one
lost and confused
trapped within a failed working relationship
do you feel holding someone down needs to involve money at all times
or do you know holding down someone is just being there through the dark and the light
are you the type to be judgmental and expect not to be judged yourself
or are you the type of person who doesn't care what someone thinks of you but expect respect yet you show you no class and manner
question for you
do you exist in a world where people's lives are intertwined with other's in a way that your actions effect another
does your world revolve around you where your mentality, personality, and physical actions have no reproductions upon those who look to be in your circle or just apart of your life in some kind of way
are you a kind and compassionate person?
or a cruel and impartial person?
what you do in life
how you act in life
how you think in life
in both towards people and not
karma come's back in the end and show you the difference
Jabari Harris
Song of the day...
But here it is, only dude I know that could pull off a nose ring.
Tupac "Keep ya head up"
Diesel planet opens on 5th Ave.
21-7 Magazine.com
Song of the day
Tag! We're it!
1. I love SEX!
2. I like ugly guys
3. I was more ambitions when I was younger.
4. Like the late colonel sanders once said "Im to drunk too taste this chicken".
5. I have a crush on powder
6. I don't eat ketchup thats individually packaged.
7. If vodka had a penis, I'd marry it.
8. I go crazy at the sign/sound/mention of firemen.
9. I crochet blankets and scarves.
10.I'm scared of bear in the big blue house.
11. I can put my foot on my head.
12. When I'm drunk I have the tendency of popping numerous squats in the street.
13. I think I was born in the wrong Era.
14. I know 95.9% of the beatles songs word for word.
15. I love black guys!
Melo X

Melo's myspace
Mustafas Renaissance (Mixtape)
Stanky leg/ Gimmie a Wallie smh
Kanye west - Welcome to heartbreak the Offical video
Dj Will Gates Myspace

Poppa Purp
Untitled from 718 BODEGA on Vimeo.
Quarter Water: Purp the Photographer from 718 BODEGA on Vimeo.
(Poppa Purp's Myspace)


Very funny picture...Hey dobby!

Poppa Purp

We were feeling it

Will Gates And I with the come hither look lol I did a good job ri? lol

LO lifes

Mariaa baby and Purp

Purp & Ginger
Monday february 23rd
Oh shit Peep shorty in the back screaming her head off.
The Taking of Pelham 123
Peep Denzel's wife..."We need milk."
This is a remake of the 1970's classic.
Saturday DAY
Riot in AMC lol Hella Dark but..FUCK IT!!.
Melo X
March 9th
Starting 9pm Sharp
@ Blender Theater
127 east 23rd street
New York, NY 10010
(212) 777-6800
Email him at MeLoparty@gmail.com to get free tickets!!!

The movie : Push
Betty: Movie was not what I expected (in a bad way...don't believe the hype!! the best part about my night was that trip to coldstone where I almost came off of eating that birthday cake remix that I love so dearly...That ice cream was my valentine!! Thanks Gerald for accompanying us..got to hang around a bunch of spunky females!
Ginger: Push.... what can i say? I liked it, I loved it... NOT! From the very beginning i could tell that this movie was going to drag. Which wasn't vrey good seeing as how i had just come off a high and wanted nothing more than to sleep. Little action, little love (which i liked). Djimon Hounsou, YUM! best part of this movie were the previews, and the ending credits. I'd recommend this movie to someone I don't like.
Broadway: um...powers were interesting...thought Dakota Fanning had more challenging roles than this. Felt the movie was very predictable and familiar, like you've seen the plots and turns in other movies. Love interest was boring and unnecessary, motives of characters weren't explained, movie was rushed...1 1/2 stars out of 5.
Why, Chris, Why?
[Updated 7:25 p.m.] Brown arrived at the Wilshire Division station about 7:15 p.m., accompanied by another man. The pair drove into a parking lot behind the station on Venice Boulevard, east of La Brea Avenue, in a black Escalade. Brown and the man entered through a back door where a posted sign stated for “authorized personnel only.” Police are expected to release a statement later this evening
Brown and Rihanna canceled their performances at tonight's Grammy Awards.
The incident is being investigated as a felony domestic violence case, police said. It was reported about 12:30 a.m. Sunday in Hancock Park.
Brown and Rihanna, whose full name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty, were apparently in a car together and got into an argument on North June Street, according to a Los Angeles Police Department statement. Brown stopped the car, the two got out, and the argument escalated, according to police.
A witness called 911, but Brown was gone when officers arrived at the scene. The woman suffered visible injuries and identified Brown as her attacker, according to police.
Brown and Rihanna had appeared together Saturday night at Clive Davis’s pre-Grammy gala in Beverly Hills.
Shortly before the Grammy show began at 5 p.m. at Staples Center, Grammy officials issued a statement saying, "We have just been informed Rihanna will not be attending tonight’s 51st Grammy Awards. Rihanna will not be performing. We are sorry to see she is unable to join us this evening.”
A publicist for the Barbados-born star, who sold more digital song downloads than any other in 2008 with nearly 10 million tracks, said Sunday night, “Rihanna is well. Thank you for your concern and support.”
Her song “Disturbia,” which she’d been scheduled to perform at the ceremony, was the sixth best-selling digital track of the year. She was replaced by veteran soul singer Al Green, who was accompanied by country singer-guitarist Keith Urban.
Brown’s record label spokesman did not respond to The Times’ request for comment. His whereabouts were unknown as the Grammy show began. Brown finished 2008 as the fourth-best-selling artist in the digital realm, posting 6.8 million tracks sold, according to Nielsen SoundScan.
*Article posted on the Los Angeles Times written by Andrew Blankstein, Geoff Boucher and Ari Bloomekatz

Disney Classics.....
::Evil Smirk:: Enjoy my favorite song from the movie
Tameka Foster.
The R&B singer skipped Clive Davis' pre-Grammy bash after his wife Tameka experienced complications from plastic surgery in Brazil, "Access Hollywood" reports.
A neurosurgeon is reportedly on the way to South America to aid Usher's wife of a little over a year.
The "Love in this Club" crooner's cancellation was due to a "serious illness in the family," Davis announced at the party, but didn't elaborate further.
Tameka gave birth to the couple's second son, Naviyd Ely Raymond, in December.
She denied reports that she'll be joining the cast of the "Real Housewives of Atlanta" the following month.
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons warns of the risks of "medical tourism" on its Web site, citing different standards of quality control and training that can be found overseas.
Reps for Usher had no comment Sunday.

Mofo's need to learn to love what they have and stop fucking with this plastic surgery bullshit foreal didn't anyone learn from Donda west? (may she rest in peace) smh damn shame.
16 year old having a sex change...Wow
Videos We'll NEVER get sick of ;D
30 Seconds to mars - Beautiful Lie
Aerosmith - Pink
Spice Girls - Holler
Camp Lo - Luchini (This is it)
Panic! at the Disco - I write sins not tragedies
Kanye west - Jesus walks
Transformers 2 : Revenge of the fallen
Lmao With REBA!??
Throw back!
LOVE this video
Smashing Pumpkins- Ava Adore
"You'll be a lover in my bed, and a gun to my head"
Happy bitches, I posted something
![]() Very incredible story! Not only is this mans art cool but he got a ton of cash for it! |
Micheal Phelps

Im all for this picture lol Wish I had a fucking bong right now.
"Fuck their couch!!!!!!" -Broadway
Mmm Daddy*
Fire-fighting guys, Drink-buying guys, Make sure I reach home safely guys.
Encouraging guys, Know how to stroke......a guitar guys.
Tune-carrying guys, Make me dinner guys, Good with children guys.
Considerate guys, Guys who judge no one, Guys who are open-minded.
Witty guys, Hair-Pulling guys, Guys who smell like AXE, vanilla, or licorice.
Make me laugh guys, Twinkle in their eye guys, Fix my hair guys.
Dirty-talking guys, Football watching guys, Rub my back guys.
Chick flick watching guys, Middle of the Dance Floor with me guys.
Guys with creative minds, Guys with drive, Head giving guys.
Determined guys, Selfless guys, Intelligent guys, Thoughtful guys.
Spontaneous guys, Honest guys, Loyal and Trustworthy guys.
Soul-stirring guys, Passionate guys, Chivalrous guys.
Dean Martin-Gregory Peck type guys, Charismatic guys, Diverse guys.
White guys, Black guys, Brown, Green, Blue guys.
Skinny guys, Guys who don't hold grudges, Guys who speak their mind.
Lustful guys, Guys who are M E N!
I like guys.
*Phrase coined by Co-Star Artists Gossyp
Lol Mr. O' Reilly
The F-Bomb lmao...shit is hella old but it still makes me giggle!
Nina Sky

uh uh drop the beat
Lykke Li
Lykke Li @ NTBR Part 4 - "Hustlin'" from Drew Innis on Vimeo.
50 Threatens Rick Ross...
Wow is it that serious 50?? COMEON!!!Wasn't this nigga wearing bullet proof vests for like half of his career?...Like lets be serious...But watch out ross this nigga closed his gap...HE MEANS BUSINESS!puahhaha
Lupus Awareness

I think its wonderful that there is actual awareness for Lupus. I've never heard anyone talking about it on TV..But its a very serious condition My sister currently has it and I lost my cousin about 6 years ago from this horrible disease. The process is painful to watch and I wish I was about to document my cousins life before she passed to let everyone know that this is no joke.
For those who don't know what Lupus is...Lupus is a chronic (long-lasting) autoimmune disease in which the immune system, for unknown reasons, becomes hyperactive and attacks normal tissue. This attack results in inflammation and brings about symptoms. Literally it means immune activity directed against the self. The immune system fights the body itself (Auto=self). In autoimmune diseases, the immune system makes a mistake and reacts to the body's own tissues.Lupus can occur at any age, and in either sex. Nine out of ten people with lupus are women. During the childbearing years (ages 15-44) lupus strikes women 10-15 times more frequently than men.
People of all races can have lupus; however, African American women have a three times higher incidence (number of new cases) and mortality than Caucasian women. They tend to develop the disease at a younger age and to develop more serious complications. Lupus is also more common in women of Hispanic, Asian, and Native American descent.
The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) has developed a strategic plan for reducing health disparities. Lupus is included as an area of research focus. Further information on disparities in lupus and the strategic plan is available at: http://www.niams.nih.gov/an/stratplan/stratplan.htm
Symptoms of lupus vary widely depending on the individual case and the form of lupus present. Most people with lupus do not experience all of these symptoms. The list only serves to alert people to clues that might indicate the presence of lupus in an undiagnosed person.
* Achy or swollen joints
* Persistent fever over 100 degrees
* Prolonged, extreme fatigue
* Skin rashes, including a butterfly shaped rash across the cheeks and nose
* Pain in the chest on deep breathing
* Anemia
* Excessive protein in the urine
* Sensitivity to sun or ultraviolet light
* Hair loss
* Abnormal blood clotting problems
* Fingers turning white and/or blue in the cold
* Seizures
* Mouth or nose ulcers lasting longer than two weeks
Brrrrrrrr BRrrrrr Shkkkerrr Shkkerrrr
Gucci Mane ft Nicki Minaj - Slumber Party
Age ain't Nothing but a Number...
[eyj]noun, verb, aged, ag-ing or age-ing.
a period of human life, measured by years from birth, usually marked by a certain stage or degree of mental or physical development and involving legal responsibility and capacity: the age of discretion; the age of consent; The state raised the drinking age from 18 to 21 years.
I'm 21. NYS ID proves it.
However, I have never portrayed the age I was. From my childhood, I was expected to act older than I was. My responsibilities weren't the same as my peers. Saying childhood is a bit of a stretch.
Mentally, I've always been older. I don't look at situations the way I'm expected to. I don't handle what life throws at me the way people tell me I should. I'm just different. I grew up and the only people I considered friends were my older aunts and cousin. I was 13 hanging with 22 year olds. I credit them with how I am, mostly. I didn't really branch out to allow people my age into my life until high school. I felt it was inevitable. Even now, I'm attracted to people who think similarly to me. I've never been one for childish demeanors.
Physically, I've always looked younger. Every female in my family does. When I was in HS, I didn't carry myself as normal teenage girls but it was who I was. Truancy never stopped me. I was never approached by the cops when I would cut and take the long ride to Staten Island. UNTIL, I graduated. Nowadays, I get stopped by the police when I'm outside before noon...even asked for ID. This is why I don't understand how I have never been carded when purchasing alcoholic beverages! NOT ONCE! And, I've bought LOTS! I know I'm very seventeen-in-the-face. The HS boys ask me for my myspace often. Hmph!
Internally...in that beating heart of mine, I'm a child. I mean that in more than one sense. I'm a free spirit. I hate rules. I throw tantrums. I want my way! I like toys and games and animated movies. I like slides and jungle gyms and swings. I enjoy trips to FAO Schwartz and Toys R' Us. I go crazy for Play-Doh!!! I'm a kid at heart. That would make sense as to why I don't deal with things emotionally. Kids don't get caught up into that shit. You push me down, I'm your friend tomorrow. We have life ahead of us, no need to make enemies. I just say, "Fuck it" and move along like an all-american reject.
Little Brother

I love little brother I thought they were the most underestimated group in hip-hop and they actually make great music...and its a damn shame cant believe soulja boy had more shine then them. Even though their album "The Minstrel show" was a commerical failure I loved that shit the most!
Throw back!
I use to know this song word for word as a youngin' Wtf I knew about "My love is the shhhh" lol
Twitter is taking over

Bddaaat NIGGEH
Always been inlove N.E.R.D especially Pharrell Not only because his name rhymes with mines I think he's really talented aside from being extremely cute he has come a long way and when he finally stepped from behind the scenes and started doing his own thing I knew alot of people were doubting it for the simple fact alot of producers/writers who decide they want to become artist themselves are WACK comeon look at swizz beatz he needs to stick to BEATS and thats it!
Kenna - Loose Wires Remix ft the cool Kids
Recommended Kenna downloads - Free time, Man fading, Sun red sky blue, Say goodbye to love, Love hate sensation.
If this isn't racist I don't know wtf is.
Why i think weed is a wonderful drug...